NVC offers many tools for connecting with others to serve life. Nonviolent Communication can dramatically improve our relationships by helping us focus our attention on:

Empathic understanding of others – without compromising our values,
Honest expression of our feelings and needs – without blame or judgment

In NVC, we learn to hear difficult messages with compassion and to express ourselves authentically with the help of these four steps:

OBSERVATION – behavior we observe which affects our well-being
FEELINGS – how we are feeling about what we are observing
NEEDS – the values, dreams, and preferences connected to our feelings
REQUEST – the concrete, presently doable actions we request in order to respond to our needs and enrich our lives

These tools help create dialogue for resolutions which respect everyone. Even in situations of longstanding hostility, the NVC process can open new doors to compassionate connection and action.


  • Individuals — break patterns of anger, depression
  • Families — improve their relationships
  • Schools — foster respect for diversity
  • Coworkers — increase goodwill and cooperation
  • HealthCare and Social Agencies — supporting human needs with compassion
  • Police and Prison Personnel — prevent violence

We encourage you to learn more by reading Marshall’s book:
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion.

“I believe the principles and techniques in this book can literally change the world, and more importantly, they can change the quality of your life with your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your coworkers, and everyone else you interact with. I cannot recommend it highly enough.” –Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup for the Soul

About Nonviolent CommunicationHow Does NVC WorkKey Differentials • Feelings ListNeeds List